healthy habits be flexible

The number one reason why people tell me they can’t do yoga? Because they’re not flexible.

But let me tell you something about flexibility.

It’s a mindset.

And because it’s a mindset, it’s also a choice.

It’s not that you’re not flexible, it’s that you’re choosing not to be.

It’s not that you can’t be good at yoga because you’re not flexible, it’s that you’re not flexible because you’re not stretching!

Once you start taking yoga, you’ll gain that flexibility you’ve been mourning your entire life.

Change is everywhere all the time

As we get older, it gets easier and easier to get, shall we say, stuck in our ways. We get used to doing things our way and change becomes harder and harder to accept. Except that change is a constant.

Without change there would be no evolution, innovation, creativity, new ideas. The world would be boring, and we’d eventually go extinct. This is why we must learn to be flexible when our lives change.

Sometimes things will change for the better. It’s in these instances when change is easier to accept. Other times, the changes that happen will not be in our best interest, they’ll inconvenience our lives, and the changes might even cause emotional upset. These changes are okay too because everything will work out in the end.

In fact, changes that at first may seem catastrophic are really disguised as opportunities for growth. There might be a hidden gem in such changes waiting to be discovered.

Be open to whatever comes your way

As you create your new healthy habits, changes are bound to happen. These changes will happen both to you and to those around you. You yourself will change, but your relationships with others will change too as you create this new life you’ve been dreaming of building. Again, some of these changes will be fabulous and others might make you feel sad.

All we can do is be open to whatever comes our way, be flexible with the opportunities and challenges that are presented to us in our lives, and go with the flow.

Now obviously this is all much easier said then done. Believe me, I know how hard it is to go with the flow as I’m not naturally a “flow” kind of person.

All of this is a learned skill. All it takes is a willingness to learn, to grow, and to be happy.

What has changed recently in your life that has forced you to be flexible? Share with us on the Facebook page!