Thanksgiving YogaHappy Thanksgiving to everyone in America! It’s snowing, just like it should be, in Ohio and the pumpkin cutout sugar cookies just got out of the oven.

Thanksgiving is a time for traditions, and I’d like to challenge you to add a new one to your routine – a Thanksgiving yoga flow! Maybe you run the Turkey Trot in your city or attend a yoga class to express your gratitude for your body. Or maybe you don’t do any of that because you’re too busy expressing gratitude to the cherry pie in the oven, the turkey gravy, the green bean casserole and the mashed potatoes. Either way, I think you’ll appreciate today’s flow.

I put together today’s short yoga practice to help you move your body and twist out toxins. This will keep you from feeling lethargic and bloated after your Thanksgiving meal.

As Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks and being grateful, remember to be grateful for what you have, which includes the ability to say no to things that don’t make you feel your best.

If your lifestyle has changed, and the traditions haven’t changed with it, focus on the people and the other parts of the holiday that are the same and let go of the food/activities/etc. that you know doesn’t agree with your body. Don’t let your mind win out this year! Your body will THANK YOU if you’re gracious and kind to it. And that is true balance.

So take a break, sit on your mat and breathe at the very least or twist things out with me.

I have some Black Friday/Cyber Monday specials to share with you, but I’d love for you to enjoy your family first. People are more important than things.

Have a wonderful, safe, happy Thanksgiving.

Image credit: Buckbut