One important tenet of a yogic outlook on life is abundance.
But sometimes the idea of manifesting abundance can seem a little, well, out there. I know this because I believe this myself.
Even though I very much consider myself a yogi, there are still some complementary practices that I’m not sure I believe in.
Manifesting WAS one of them. That was, until I was taught how to manifest the non airy-fairy way.
Why Manifesting The Way You Were Taught Doesn’t Work
The thing about manifesting abundance is that we hear about the power of believing and visualizing and then our dreams come true. But that process just asks us to do a lot of daydreaming and nothing else. I see that there is benefit to that step, but that’s not where the manifestation process ends. You can’t just think about something and it happens. There’s no actual power in that process.
It is important that you believe the universe will provide to you what you need. And it takes a bit of working through that in your head to get to the point where you really believe in the truth of that statement.
Today I’d like to share with you a four-step process for manifesting abundance the non airy-fairy way.
Step 1: Get really clear.
This is where all that daydreaming comes in. In order for manifestation to work, you have to be really clear on what you want. Why? Because how can you go out and get what you want when you don’t know what you want in the first place? Step one is also the hardest step because so often what we’re missing most in our life is clarity.
In order to get clear, step away from your daily to-do list. Take a walk in nature, do some exercise, move your body, journal. Do something different that you don’t do every day. Get away from your normal routine and give yourself the space and time to think.
Part of getting really clear is being really specific.
Do you want more clients? How many? By when?
Do you want more money? How much?
Do you want more love in your life? What does that look like specifically?
I know, I know. You might be rolling your eyes. I do it too when it comes to answering questions like this. It seems so obvious, but when you sit down and really take the time to think about the answers to these questions, you might surprise yourself. You might just find some clarity around the confusion you’ve been feeling.
Step 2: Write it down.
Write down what you want. I’m a big fan of writing on a Post-it note and sticking it clearly where I can see it. The visual cue serves as a great reminder when you start to doubt yourself.
I’ve just said it, but it bears repeating. WRITE IT DOWN! Write down what you want in a clear concise statement.
This is also a place where some of the airy-fairyness of manifesting abundance can start to creep in, particularly if you’re of the arts & crafts persuasion. If you’re the type of person who gets really excited about creating a vision board, get out your scissors, glue, and magazines and go for it. But you don’t have to do that.
The thing about it is, the act of creating a vision board or writing what you want down is an action step. It’s like setting an intention and making it public. But you can’t just stop here.
Bonus Tip: To keep yourself sane, try to just manifest one dream at a time. Most of us are too busy to worry about more then one life game-changer at a time.
Step 3: Plan.
Here’s where we step off the airy-fairy train altogether. Instead of doing all that internal work to get really clear and writing it down to constantly remind yourself what you want and then doing nothing about it and tossing up fate to the universe, it’s time to actually do something.
The universe responds to people who know what they want and are willing to work for it!
Now remember, that doesn’t mean you have to work your butt off until you’ve gone crazy and burn out, but you do have to put in some positive effort.
So make a plan. Now that you know exactly what you want, how are you going to go about securing it? Jot down some ideas and then pick the strongest contenders. The ones that are most likely to yield you more clients, more money, more love, etc. Break down these ideas into doable steps.
For example, if you want more clients and you think it would help to join some networking groups in your area, break that down into “research networking groups,” “read about top three networking groups,” “attend networking session” etc.
You must put these ideas in your calendar. Again, why get this far and then just give up? Get these steps on your calendar or do whatever you need to do so that you’ll actually do them.
This is the positive effort it takes for the universe to recognize that you’re really serious about what you want and need.
Step 4: Take action!
Go to the networking events. Pick up the phone and have the conversations. Or scariest of all, ask for help.
I’ll give you a relevant example from my own life. I’m building up my private yoga business, but since I’m brand new to the DC Metro area I have to do some work to find clients.
First, I got really clear on how many clients I wanted by what date. I wrote it down on a little post-it note on my desk.
Then I created a list of activities I could do to find clients and I scheduled these activities into my calendar. I’ve researched the networking groups and had conversations with lots of women business owners.
But there was one step I hadn’t taken until yesterday and it was truly the easiest of all. I asked. I asked the women I knew here already if they could refer me to any of their friends. Scary? Yep. But you know what? The universe knows I’m serious.
Sometimes, the scariest steps are the ones that will take you the farthest.
Last week I talked all about my new vision for working women. I got tons of great responses and I’m excited to continue sharing my own experiential wisdom and knowledge about living in balance and succeeding with confidence and grace as a busy woman in this modern working world we live in.
Now it’s your turn. I asked you last week what you need most. This week I’m asking you what you want most. Feel free to send me an email or share with us on the Facebook page, or just spend some time thinking about it and follow these non airy-fairy steps to manifesting abundance and see what happens. At the very worst you’ll have gotten really clear on what you want and at the best, you’ll get it.