Now that you’re starting to understand how habits work, you’ve set your intention, and you’ve got a plan for moving forward, it’s time to take a breather and ask some important questions.
You’re already half-way to Healthy Land
A lot of times we get really excited to start something new without taking stock of where we already are in our lives and what we are already doing to keep us healthy and happy.
So what are your current healthy habits?
You may have already written some of these down in our previous exercise about habits, so either go back and look or take a couple minutes to jot down what you’re already doing to support your goal to live a healthy life.
You can also write down all your habits (this will get you a step ahead for tomorrow’s Healthy Habits lesson) and then go back and mark which ones are healthy and which ones are not helping you live a healthier life. We all have both, so no judgements!
You’re Closer Then You Think
The fact is you’ve gotten yourself this far in life so you probably have lots of habits and most of them are pretty good. It’s those one or two bad habits that end up causing all the extra stress in our lives that we wish we were rid of. When you think of it that way, it’s a relief to know there are only one or two things you need to transform to get where you want to be!
It’s kind of like the Wizard of Oz. In our minds, Healthy Land is this made-up place far far away that is practically unreachable with tons of obstacles in the way. In reality we’re already there and it’s all around us but our mind is putting up mental blocks to keep us from realizing it.
So go ahead and ask yourself what healthy habits you want to keep.
It’s important to know that you’re already halfway there and you didn’t even have to change anything.
Maybe you have always prioritized sleeping. Keep doing it!
Perhaps you’re already a healthy eater. Great.
Or maybe, you exercise every day for 30 minutes. Fantastic. Keep moving.
Start with Abundance
When you start from a place of abundance, you’ll be more motivated and inspired to keep going.
Remember, you already have everything you need. It’s now just a matter of tweaking a little bit here and a little bit there to get to your ideal healthy lifestyle.
Let me know over on the Facebook page what healthy habits you want to keep!