Excited to get some time for you this Mother’s Day? Why not set aside some space for a Mother’s Day yoga practice?
I’ve recently refreshed my YouTube channel and am excited to share with you a totally free Mother’s Day Yoga Flow that you can enjoy in the comfort of your own home this Mother’s Day. (Or any day, because really, every day should be Mother’s Day!)
Here are 5 yoga poses perfect for a Mother’s Day yoga practice. All of these yoga poses are featured in the Mother’s Day Yoga Flow on YouTube!
Restorative Savasana
The Mother’s Day Yoga Flow starts with a Restorative version of Savasana where you quite literally get to (finally!) put your feet up. Grab a bolster, stack some pillows, or fold up some blankets or towels and place your feet on this soft, elevated surface for some great back relief while you enjoy deep breaths, and (hopefully!) some peace and quiet.
Even though restorative postures are sometimes not always the most popular (I know, I know, you just want to move), it is so important to take some time to rest, too. I am a firm believer in balance. So even if you only stay for one minute or five breaths, do yourself a favor and give yourself permission to rest.
Roll Ups
This is a fun way to challenge yourself and—bonus!—it’s also a fun “trick” you can practice with your kids later on. Start on your back and hug your knees into your chest. Begin to rock back and forth along your spine, which will feel like a great massage, and keep rolling until you build up some momentum. See if you can get so much momentum going that you can rock all the way up to seated, quickly plant your feet, flow with the forward momentum and stand straight up! You can use your hands for extra support but you’ll be super pleased with yourself if you can do it with no hands.
This is a great multitasker pose. Not only do you get to work on some balance, but you also get a bit of hip work and a great shoulder stretch. Start standing and shift your weight over to your right foot. Lift your left leg over your right leg, crossing at the knee and either wrap your left foot around your right leg or use the left foot as a kickstand on the floor for extra balance. Then cross your left arm under your right arm at the elbows and wrap your forearms around one another. Alternatively, you can give yourself a big bearhug. Use a wall or chair to catch you if you fall and you’re worried about your balance. Remember, wobbling and falling out of the pose is part of the practice. It does not make you a failure. It just makes you human.
Prone Shoulder Stretch
One of the most popular requests I get from moms are shoulder stretches. Perhaps because we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. Or maybe because we literally carry around kids all the time, worry constantly about their safety, and hunch over to take care of them (hello bath time…) and all household chores (after-dinner dishes, anyone…😬. Not to mention the working moms who sit at a desk and stare at a computer screen all day. Basically, your shoulders need some help.
This great shoulder stretch allows you to lay down (yay!), and can be adapted so that you get to control the amount of sensation you feel. Start by lying on your stomach and bring your arms out to a T position. Roll your body over your left straight arm and use your right leg and right arm for balance. You can move your left arm up or down behind you to experiment with different positions and their associated sensations.
Legs up the Wall
End your practice with Legs up the Wall (or just make your whole practice this one pose). You can utilize your bolster/blankets/pillows/towels to prop up your hips or just scoot right up against a wall and swing your legs up. If you don’t have available wall space—I forbid you to do any cleaning or tidying necessary to create a free wall!—use a couch, bed, chair or other piece of furniture that can support your legs.
Stay for as long as you’re able. Breathe. Enjoy the stillness.
If you don’t get the chance to take the full Mother’s Day Flow over on YouTube, choose just one or two of the poses above (I’m partial to the restorative ones 🙂) and find 5-10 minutes to breathe, tune in, and come back to your self.
Happy Mother’s Day! You’re doing an amazing job.