Over the last couple days we took a long hard look at our current habits, celebrated the progress we’ve already made and recommitted to those healthy habits we already have in our life – even if there is only one.
We then said goodbye, or at least acknowledged what we’re going to start getting rid of, to allow the good habits to flourish even more.
That means today is the fun part.
Today you’ll look into the future and decide what you want to start doing to optimize your health.
Bringing it all together
Now we start to put everything together that we’ve gone through over the past week and a half.
Remember the intention you set for 2015? What healthy habits do you want to start to help you achieve that intention? What can you commit to consistently over the next month or so to help you get closer to making your healthy lifestyle a reality?
Once you’ve chosen what you want to start doing, make sure you create a plan!
Start with what you know you can achieve
A few more words on starting. Pick something accessible, achievable, attainable. It’s not that you’re going to aim low, but don’t set the bar so high that it’s darn impossible to meet your goals (more on that Friday).
I’ll use myself as an example to help you start brainstorming. One of the intentions I set for my personal life is to create more space. I want to be fully present when I’m off-work and I don’t want to waste my time on Facebook, email, and TV.
One thing I can keep doing in my life is clearly signing off work at 5pm.
The one thing I want to stop doing is checking Facebook when I’m bored.
What I’d like to start doing is read more. I have tons of books on my to-read list and I feel like I never sit down and read anymore.
Reading more will help me be more present, it will give me an alternative to checking Facebook, and I’ll feel more relaxed and fulfilled. Win-win-win.
Optimize your health rather then accumulate new habits
When you break it down this way (keep doing, stop doing, start doing) it doesn’t feel so overwhelming. It doesn’t feel like you’re adding more into your life because really, you’re just substituting. It’s like the closet rule when you go shopping. If you put something new in your closet you have to take something out. That way you don’t continue to accumulate clothes, you just optimize your wardrobe.
Choosing something attainable by substituting something you want to stop doing with something you actually want to do will help you build confidence as you start to see the results stack up. The more confident you are that healthy living is within reach, the more you’ll do to make it happen!
So what are you going to start doing? Let me know over on the Facebook page!